You'll be surprised to discover that these ornamental designs are actually meant for eating! Created by New York-based pastry chef Amber Spiegel, each decorative cookie is covered with flawless details like gold edges, illusions of quilted surfaces, and beautiful florets that are developed with incredible precision.
With great patience, a steady hand, and very tiny tools, Spiegel has mastered the art of cookie design. She can spend up to 45 minutes decorating a single cookie, like the red and white Christmas tree seen below. For very fine details, she uses a scribe tool with a very delicate needle tip.
The talented artist offers all kinds of tutorials in person or on her website so that those adventurous enough to take on the challenge can try their hand at their own cookie designs. She says, “It takes lots of practice, but if you keep at it, you'll be able to decorate like a pro.”
You can check out the video below to see Spiegel's decorating skills in action.