Thanks to the ingenuity of a veterinarian and some spare LEGO bricks, this tiny tortoise is now able to roll around on his own little wheelchair. Blade's owner, Iris Peste, took the tortoise to the vet after she noticed that he was struggling to move around. The vet, Dr. Carsten Plischke, discovered that due to a host of problems including worms and a growth disorder, Blade's limbs had become so weak that he could no longer walk on his own. In a stroke of genius, Dr. Plischke borrowed some of his own son's LEGO blocks, which he fitted to the underside of the tortoise's shell. With two sets of wheels supporting his body, Blade is now able to scoot around while his legs heal, after which he'll be able to walk again.
“For people there are walkers, rollators or prostheses but for animals there are no companies that produce something like that,” Dr. Plischke says. “The size variation of animals means they can't establish uniform products. So you have to come up with creative solutions; every animal needs its own treatment.” Luckily, there are vets like Dr. Plischke, who are creative and compassionate enough to help any animal in need.
All photos by REX
via [Daily Mail], [Orange]