Artist Cal Lane fuses the industrial strength of steel and iron with the delicacy of lacework in her series of intricately cut sculptures called “industrial doilies.” Fine filigree designs of flowers, graceful scallops, and mythical creatures adorn the metal surfaces of discarded car hoods, cages, and shovels, creating an intriguing sense of contrast and juxtaposition.
According to Lane, her works of art explore opposing concepts of “industrial and domestic life as well as relationships of strong and delicate, masculine and feminine, practical and frivolity, ornament and function.” She says, “The metaphor of lace further intrigued me by its associations of hiding and exposing at the same time; like a veil to cover, or lingerie to reveal. It also introduces a kind of humor through the form of unexpected relationships.”
Cal Lane's website
Cal Lane on Art Mr's website
via [Colossal], [L'ACTE GRATUIT]