
March 3, 2025

Internet-Famous Bald Eagle Pairโ€™s Three Eggs Are Expected To Hatch Soon

As far as reality TV goes, a live stream of Internet-famous bald eagles is probably not what first comes to mind. But Jackie and Shadow, a mated bald eagle pair living in Big Bear Valley, California, have amassed quite a following on YouTube over the years. And as hatching season comes around for the coupleโ€“who have laid three eggs this yearโ€“ fans are tuning in more than ever.

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January 6, 2025

How the โ€œIgloo Effectโ€ Helped a Swedish Man Survive Two Months Trapped in a Frigid Snowed-in Car

As a Nordic country, Sweden withstands winters that are long, cold, and dark every year. Umeรฅ, a city in northeastern Sweden, is no exception: its mean minimum temperature in January hovers at a frigid -10.7ยฐF. Itโ€™s incredible, then, that a 44-year-old man managed to survive in these kinds of conditions while stranded in a snowed-in car for two months.

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December 6, 2024

Scientists Discover the Worldโ€™s Largest-Known Coral in the Waters of the Solomon Islands

Sometimes, the biggest surprises in the natural world are hidden in plain sight. A team of scientists recently discovered the worldโ€™s largest-known coral in the waters of the Solomon Islandsโ€”part of a region known as the โ€œCoral Triangleโ€ due to its diversity and abudance of coral. At 112 feet long, 105 feet wide, and 16 feet high, it's so big it can be seen from space.

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September 29, 2024

Tourist Causes a โ€œWorld Changingโ€ Event by Dropping Cheetos Into North Americaโ€™s Largest Cave

Heading to the wilderness to enjoy nature is a great decision. Leaving behind processed foods in delicate cavern environments, not so much. A tasty snack like Cheetos can damage an entire ecosystem when not disposed of properly, according to the staff at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. In early September 2024, a guest dropped an unfinished bag of cheesy treats off the trail, causing a cascade of ecological responses that imbalanced the local food chain.

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