Renowned photographer Geof Kern has an intriguing cinematic style that often strays into the realm of surrealism. Each frame depicts its own story, sometimes drawing from fictional tales like Alice in Wonderland or echoing the works of cinematic kings like Jean Luc Godard, while continually keeping the viewer's attention. Having worked on countless ad campaigns and editorial spreads around the world, the photographer has accumulated quite an impressive portfolio of work that leaves us questioning what is really going on.
Some of Kern's shots are silent and still, reminiscent of the stoic acting styles of Buster Keaton, while others include a touch of whimsy. His fashion photography serves as more than simple visuals designed to display clothes and accessories. The creative photographer's images are driven by narratives that stimulate the viewer and evoke a variety of reactions. He has mastered the art of storytelling by wisely taking his time to plot out each shot before a shoot by drawing up storyboards. Kern says, “Sometimes you've just got to ask yourself, why leave spontaneity to chance?”