In these alluring drawings, American illustrator Jennifer Healy uses colored pencils to blur the lines between fantasy and realism. Her technically stunning approach blends delicate lines into gorgeously detailed feminine portraits that have a dreamlike quality to them. The young faces stare out with haunting expressions that are both sad and powerfully enchanting.
The Louisiana-based artist has been drawing since she was a little girl but it was just one year ago that she developed her love for colored pencils. To create a piece, she begins with a meticulously composed line drawing of a bodiless face that she then fills in with layers of color. Healy often chooses to portray women with nature because she says, “Women are beautiful. And so is nature. It's simple really.” Her drawings convey enhanced emotions that radiate from the paper and evoke a strong response from viewers.
“My art is a mixture of ‘good' and some ‘evil' undertones. This is how I view the world around me. There is no complete good and it's not completely evil either,” says Healy, “Where there is one, there is the other. This is how it will always be.”