Brazilian artist Miguel Lokia, better known as Lokiable, has created a series of graphic designs inspired by the hit HBO show Game of Thrones. The ongoing series, aptly known as Pop Culture House Flags, presents a number of banners for fictional characters from pop culture ranging from comic book heroes to television characters. Each house sigil is like a family crest intended to symbolize the individual character with a few simple key elements–a minimalist silhouette of an emblematic image and words to live by.
For the raging green giant, Bruce Banner's The Hulk, we see a prominently green clenched fist accompanied by the words “RAGE TO OUR ENEMIES”; whereas, House Spock features a Vulcan salute, the Star Trek character's iconic hand gesture, preceded by “LOGIC AND SCIENCE.” Each poster offers its own interpretation of these well-known characters and the artist even adds his own touch of humor to some like House House with the subtitle that reads “NOT LUPUS.”
Miguel Lokia on Flickr
Miguel Lokia on deviantART
via [The Daily What]