Russian photographer Alexander Safonov takes amazing underwater images most us could only dream about. A professional software architect by trade, Safonov got his diving license in 2002 and began to experiment with underwater photography in 2004. He currently resides in Hong Kong, where he's been for the past 13 years.
“Sharks are my favorite animals, as they are a combination of beauty and danger,” says Safonov. “I have dived in numerous locations around the world, but my favorite is the South African Wild Coast, where I got the best dives of my life during the annual Sardine Run phenomena. For photographers looking for close encounters with predators, bait balls are the one of the best options, as on single dive it's possible to see more predators than the average diver sees during their lifetime! Among my other favorite destinations are Cocos Island, Fiji, Galapagos and Raja Ampat.”