London-based Australian artist Ron Mueck produces unbelievably realistic sculptures with expressive facial features that complement their equally detailed human figures. The hyperrealist sculptor's work is world renowned for its extraordinarily lifelike quality coupled with his affinity for playing with scale. The artist alters the typical size ratio of his characters in relation to the rest of the world, allowing them to either fill an entire room with their hunched over bodies or comfortably slumber on a countertop.
Whether Mueck's creations are giants or dwarfs, the artist allots time to each one to perfect the most minute details. Every wrinkle of the skin, twinkle in the eye, and placement of hair is meticulously crafted. They aren't smooth, hairless creatures without any physical fault either. Mueck captures the imperfection of each character's unique body and features, heightening their believability and, thus, drawing the attention of a wide audience. It's the emotion in each constructed subject's face and demeanor that truly sells their plausibility as actual people roaming through galleries.
Mueck will be exhibiting a number of his sculptures, 3 new pieces to accompany several of his recent works, at Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain in Paris, starting April 16th and running through September 29th.