Last March, we told you about Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang's latest installation, 99 life-sized wild animals gathered around the ultimate watering hole. Now showing at the Queensland's Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) until May 11, you can witness this stunning installation yourself.
Called Heritage 2013 it shows both predator and prey all drinking from the same blue lake surrounded by pristine white sand, which was inspired by the lakes of Moreton Bay's islands.
Many visitors have already started uploading their own Instagram photos saying things like, “Wow!! Visual feast. 99 Animals. Turquoise. Water. White. Surreal” and “Cai illustrates his message to the globe by these 99 life-like animals sculpture, and things just become complete with the participation of some human beings.” They are encouraged by the museum to tag their photos with #caiguoqiang or #fallingbacktoearth.
Truly, this is one installation we'd love to see ourselves. Especially love the photos with the reflections.
Photo above credit: QAG
Photo: kirstitenni
Photo: kirstitenni
Photo: NicandTom
Photo: ahralex
Photo: QAG
Photo: jiro118
Photo: son_jac
Photo: tianasaurus_rex
Photo: martinvanrensburg