Deep Sky Labs as envisioned. (Photo: Deep Sky Labs)
Excess carbon dioxide, produced by mankind with particular vigor since the Industrial Revolution, is a prime driver of the climate crisis. Though it’s important to limit and stave off the production of carbon dioxide, it’s proven difficult in a society filled with gas-guzzling cars and smoke-belching factories. So as carbon dioxide continues to pour into the atmosphere, there needs to be efforts to remove it. The technology exists, but the infrastructure needs to be created en masse to counter its production. Luckily, Deep Sky, a Canadian carbon removal company, is creating a pioneering carbon removal facility in Canada to test different methods of removal.
The project is called Deep Sky Labs, drawing from the innovative scientific nature of laboratories. The facility will be constructed in a remote part of Alberta, Canada. Its creators are touting it as the “world’s first cross-technology carbon removal innovation and commercialization centre.” It will have space to test 10 different methods of direct air capture of carbon in our atmosphere. The ultimate goal of Deep Sky is to scale and incentivize carbon capture, so finding the most effective capture methods is critical.
Carbon capture requires energy to power the machines that filter our air. This energy can itself come from unclean sources. To avoid this issue, Deep Sky Labs will be entirely solar powered. Once carbon is removed from the air, it will be pumped into safe storage far underground.
Deep Sky is also creating “high integrity carbon credits” to fund the endeavor. Over 10 years, 30,000 tons of carbon will be removed from the air. While ultimately it only accounts for the carbon production of about 220 people a year, this is a starting point for expansion. There lab will be a brain trust of sorts, bringing together innovators in the climate technology space to fight an urgent fight of which carbon capture is a critical component.
Deep Sky Labs will be the “world’s first cross-technology carbon removal innovation and commercialization centre,” dedicated to pulling carbon dioxide from our atmosphere to counter climate change.
Deep Sky: Website
h/t: [IFL Science]
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