
August 9, 2024

Dogs Are Helping Rewild Nature Reserves by Running Around With Bags Packed With Seeds

Many centuries ago, wolves served an unexpected purpose in nature. As they roamed around, they would inadvertently get wildflower and grass seeds stuck in their fur. Then, these would be released elsewhere, establishing new colonies of plants and helping ecosystems thrive. Inspired by this, an urban nature reserve in the English town of Lewes enlisted local dogs and their humans to help them rewild the area.

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July 22, 2024

Watch an Adorable Husky Dog Repeat Everything His Human Says

If dogs could talk, what would you ask your furry friend? While we have unique ways of communicating with them, having a conversation with a dog remains a dream for now. Even so, a Siberian husky named Pluto and his human seem to be closer than anyone else to having a one-on-one chat. Pluto's mom recently shared a video in which the pup seems to repeat what she tells him.

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April 14, 2024

Man Shares Cute Clips of Driving With (And Being Driven By) His Adorable Dogs

For some people, two of the most relaxing things in life are hanging out with their dog and going for a drive. That's why when a Thailand-based photographer Kuttiya Kanchanasopawong, known as ArtWood, shares videos of his life featuring both, his followers can't help but daydream of a life like the one he leads. It's just him, his camera, his beloved dogs, and the road. What else could one ask for?

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