Endangered Animals

June 17, 2020

These Stunning Antelopes in Africa Have Incredibly Symmetrical Spiral Horns

With their grand stature and symmetrical, spiral horns, the greater kudu cuts an impressive figure. Native to eastern and southern Africa, these woodland antelopes are herbivores that spend much of their time foraging for shoots and leaves. This beautiful animal can still be found in great numbers in the southern part of their territory, as they are protected in many countries and exist in large numbers on reserves like Kruger National Park.

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November 25, 2019

Koalas Are “Functionally Extinct” Due to Devastating Australian Bushfires

As bushfires rage across Australia, with no end in sight, the toll is devastating. In New South Wales alone 2.5 million acres have burned and people are being asked to leave their homes as a Code Red has been declared—which means the fire authority has no control over the blazes. While the impact on humans is disastrous, for koalas—the national symbol of Australia—it's catastrophic.

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June 15, 2019

Interview: This Man Is Caring for the Last Two Northern White Rhinos on Earth

Every day, an ever-growing number of plant and animal species risk extinction. While most of us only occasionally face this fact, James Mwenda, a conservationist at Kenya's Ol Pejeta Conservancy, deals with it on a daily basis. Tasked with the job of protecting two critically endangered northern white rhinos, Mwenda's role as a caregiver carries a lot of weight—especially since this pair is the last of their subspecies.

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October 6, 2018

Nepal Doubles Tiger Population Thanks to Committed Conservation Efforts

Conservationists in Nepal are celebrating a victory after it was revealed that its population of wild tigers has nearly doubled since 2009. The small Himalayan country has made big efforts to reverse the decline of these incredible animals. A symbol of Asian wildlife, these charismatic creatures have seen their population drop 97% over the past 100 years. Now, Nepal's success is a shining example of how a concerted effort to enact change can bear positive results.

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