
June 8, 2016

Photographer Captures Once-in-a-Lifetime Shots of a Fish Trapped Inside a Jellyfish

Australian photographer Tim Samuel managed to get a once-in-a-lifetime shot while free diving off The Pass in Byron Bay, on the north coast of New South Wales. The marvelous images present the bizarre sight of a fish stuck inside of a jellyfish. Even more unusual is that, according to Samuel, the trapped fish was able to control where the jellyfish moved, like some sort of twisted version of a living and breathing submarine.

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May 24, 2016

Energetic Pet Fox Finds an Unlikely Best Friend in a Gentle Canine

When we first met Juniper, an adorable domesticated fox, she was furiously hopping on a bed thinking it was a pile of snow. After being won over by her charms, we’ve continued to follow her on Instagram, where her human Jessika shares facets of the lively fox's everyday adventures. One constant in Juniper’s life is Moose, an Australian Shepherd Malamute mix that has become her best friend.

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