
April 21, 2016

Stylish Photo Shoot Gives Shelter Dogs a Second Chance at Life

These canine portraits will make your day–and they're helping to save lives at the same time. Photographer Tammy Swarek is the big heart behind the Shelter Pets Project, dressing up rescue dogs in a variety of adorable costumes to help draw attention to their stories. Using her creative skills as a photographer for a good cause, Swarek creates professional head shots for each of the pups, humanizing the animals to help people personally connect with them.

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March 28, 2016

Rare Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Vast Collection of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History

Here are just a few of the fascinating artifacts you might encounter during a visit to The Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.: Moon rocks; the Hope Diamond; the fossilized skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex; ancient mummies dating back to 1200 BC–and that's just what's on display. The Museum houses over 126 million scientific specimens and cultural relics, and a large fraction of the colossal collection is kept behind closed doors.

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March 21, 2016

Hairless Guinea Pig Strikes an Adorable Pose with His Tasty Treats

Ludwik the naked guinea pig is an adorable companion to his human, Agata Nowacka. However, when they first met at a pet shop in Poland, Ludwik wasn't well. On top of being sick with pneumonia, the tiny guinea pig was also suffering from untreated conjunctivitis and a fungal infection. After Nowacka adopted the poorly creature, it took around six months to nurse her little friend back to health.

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