
February 9, 2016

Rescue Piglet Forms an Inseparable Bond with Orphan Tabby Kitten

Before Laura the piglet and Marina the kitten met, they were both facing unfortunate obstacles. Marina had been abandoned on the street, was close to dying, and in need of nurturing. As for Laura, she called a factory farm home before being brought to the Chilean animal sanctuary Santuario Igualdad Interespecie. Here, Laura met Marina and the two instantly became the best of friends.

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February 8, 2016

Adorable Baby Meerkats Adventure Outside Their Nest for the Very First Time

On January 7th, two adorable baby meerkats were born at Sydney's Taronga Zoo and they recently began to wander outside their nest box. “They were initially a little wary of this big new world outside, but with a bit of encouragement from mum and dad they started to explore,” zookeeper Courtney Mahony told Mashable. This milestone is especially meaningful because this marks the first meerkat birth in nearly seven years at the zoo.

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January 29, 2016

China Employs Professional Panda Huggers for $32,000 a Year

Just when we thought that the best job in the world involved cuddling baby goats, we find out that being a “professional panda hugger” is a viable career choice. As of right now, China's Giant Panda Protection and Research Centre has a spot available and the job description states: “Your work has only one mission: spending 365 days with the pandas and sharing in their joys and sorrows.

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