
January 13, 2021

Cat Leading Double Life Helps Neighbors Become Unexpected Pen Pals

Cats don’t live by the rules, and spend most of their time just doing what they want. Free-spirited felines who like to spend time outdoors are often gone hours at a time, leaving their owners wondering where they’ve been or what they’ve been up to. For cat owner Zack King, his cat Billy’s whereabouts were always a mystery. King assumed Billy was doing normal cat things, like chasing mice and exploring.

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January 11, 2021

Scientists Find First Known Dwarf Giraffes in Namibia and Uganda

While conducting a routine research survey of endangered giraffe populations, scientists working for the Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) encountered a previously undocumented natural occurence. As described in a recent paper for the journal BMC Research Notes, two wild dwarf giraffes make history as the first documented members of their species to present skeletal dysplasia which renders them about half the height of their peers.

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January 6, 2021

This Tiny Flatid Planthopper Nymph Insect Looks Like a Walking Piece of Popcorn

Insects are the most diverse group of organisms on our planet. There are around 900,000 different kinds of bugs we know of, representing around 80% of the world's species. Late physicist, biologist, and photographer Andreas Kay dedicated his life to documenting the fascinating insect world. From 2011 until his death in 2019, Kay spent time in Ecuador, where he explored the area’s epic biodiversity.

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