
May 12, 2021

Geometric Game Lets You Build Imaginary Architecture in the Style of the Greats

Illustrator and architect Federico Babina’s latest project, called ARCHITANGRAM, acts as an “architect’s alphabet” that helps break down the recognizable styles of famous designers. This visual series is designed as a creative game. By using a minimal set of building blocks, Babina is able to recreate some of the most iconic buildings by these architects in easily translatable ways.

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May 8, 2021

10 Gravity-Defying Structures by Santiago Calatrava, Legendary Architect and Engineer

Spanish-Swiss architect Santiago Calatrava is well known for his incredible soaring structures. He is one of those star architects who has a style so well defined that it is recognizable to people who may not necessarily consider themselves architecture lovers. Part of what defines Calatrava's unique style is the impressive structural capabilities of his buildings combined with their sculptural elegance.

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May 3, 2021

15 Must-See TV Shows for Architects and Architecture Lovers

Have you ever binge-watched a show while working on your latest project? This is nothing new for many architects and designers; but even if you’re not the type to watch while you work, there are certain shows that can inspire you during your downtime with incredible examples of world building and amazing architecture.

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