Left to right: Dorothy Ann and Sterling Kinney House, Zeigler House, Pilgrim Congregational Church, Sutton House, Shavin House, Margaret and Patrick Kinney House (Photos: Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy)
The Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy is hosting the Way Out and About Wright 2021 virtual tour from May 14–16, 2021. This online event will allow architecture lovers to explore six works of Frank Lloyd Wright without ever having to leave the comfort of their own home.
Aside from the opportunity to “walk through” these historical structures, the tours will also bring you a new perspective. Each of the six buildings will be presented by people who live in, work on, or are otherwise connected to the building in question. This is the perfect opportunity to see what it might feel like to preserve a piece of architectural history.
The Dorothy Ann and Sterling Kinney House in Amarillo, Texas is the first home on the tour. The current owner, Robin Gilliland, will welcome all virtual guests by sharing her experiences overseeing a careful restoration. Next up is the Reverend Jesse R. Ziegler House in Frankfort, Kentucky, which is a great example of the Prairie style Wright was famous for.
Visitors will also get a look at one non-residential project by Wright. The Pilgrim Congregational Church in Redding, California will be presented by church leader Larry Solberg. This presentation will include a look at a 3D model in addition to shots of the current design. Sutton House in McCook, Nebraska will close out Saturday’s tours. Jan and Van Korell, the current owners of Sutton House, will explain the detailed restoration they performed through the structure.
Karin Shavin of the Shavin House in Chattanooga, Tennessee will begin Sunday’s event with a tour of the home and her memories of growing up in an important example of architectural history. Lastly, Archie Kinney will give visitors a tour of the Margaret and Patrick Kinney House designed for his grandparents in Lancaster, Wisconsin.
You can find details on pricing and access on the Way Out and About Wright 2021 homepage. If you can’t make it to the virtual tour, be sure to keep scrolling to see some shots of the incredible projects courtesy of the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy.
Have you always wanted to explore a Frank Lloyd Wright building? Be sure to join the Way Out and About Wright 2021 virtual tour!
Dorothy Ann and Sterling Kinney House
Zeigler House
Pilgrim Congregational Church

Photo: Pat Mahoney/Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Sutton House

Photo: Gregory Dowell/Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Dorothy Ann and Sterling Kinney House

Photo: Pat Mahoney/Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy
Margaret and Patrick Kinney House
Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Flickr
h/t: [Apartment Therapy]
All images via the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy.
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