A personality is as unique as each one of us. But, what happens when we start to mimic aspects of other people? Do we lose ourselves? It seems possible that we are always picking up habits of others and constantly adapting to our surroundings. In this series entitled Mimicry, photography team GiesenLeenders (Maurits Giesen and Ilse Leenders) work together to explore and visually discuss these interesting concepts surrounding identity.
The inspiration for the project came from, “The uniformity of human beings, from people whose identity is missing, and those who are inconspicuous in our society.” The mimicked postures are perfectly performed and slightly humorous, as the matching characters sit atop a tree or dive head first into the back of a truck. In all of the images, the photographers take meticulous care to construct each shot. The team creates, “an abstract, aesthetic, silent world in which man, the environment, scenery, objects, clothing and action are perfectly balanced and connected.”
GiesenLeenders website
via [Lustik]