Audiovisual artist Joanie Lemercier recently unveiled Nimbes, a spectacular installation that immerses viewers in a breathtaking virtual universe. Created using photography, CGI, laser scans, and projection mapping, the piece takes the audience on a 15-minute journey around the cosmos, displaying constellations, solitary landscapes, and crumbling architectural structures. Set to the music of James Ginzburg, the 360 installation allows viewers to explore every direction around them to see new sights of an extraordinary world.
“The audience is at the centre of the space, and the universe unfolds in front of their eyes,” Lemercier explains. “It starts out with stars, which connect to make constellations. The constellations become mountains and landscapes, and viewers are taken on a journey, discovering nature and architecture.” According to his artist statement, “Nimbes explores the ontology of observation and its relationship to cosmogony, notions of intelligence and individuality.”
Designed specifically for domes, Nimbes is currently on display at the Society for Arts and Technology's Satosphere in Montreal. After its debut, Lemercier plans to take the piece to other planetariums in Europe, with the possibility of it becoming a touring installation at events.
Joanie Lemercier's website
via [Creative Review]