Wow, how pretty is this? Whether you're a beginner photographer or just someone who likes to reminded of the basics, we think you'll appreciate this Manual Photography Cheat Sheet by Miguel Yatco. Why did he create it?
“Well, the main reason I made this infographic was so that I could help beginners get a better idea of how the manual mode of a camera works,” he tells us. “Although it takes awhile to get used to, this infographic will hopefully give you a smoother transition from auto to manual.
“A lot of people ask me about my settings, and honestly, I wasn't so sure on how to help them out. I'm not very good with explaining, and the fact that it's such a complicated process to go about, I didn't want to bore them with a guide full of text. So I just decided to explain it in a visual way. I've seen other infographics around the net, so I kind of got the inspiration from there and I worked my own style into the cheat sheet.
“There's one of the basics in the cheat sheet that I really want to get into, and that's the first tab on the cheat sheet, which is the Exposure. I really wanted to incorporate this into the infographic, because not a lot of people are familiar with the Light Meters on their cameras. This is how you know whether your photo's gonna be overexposed, underexposed, or just right. This is definitely what helped me get better settings, so make sure to keep an eye on your light meter! As for the other tabs, they're pretty much self-explanatory.”
It's so sweet-looking, couldn't you just imagine it hanging on your wall?
In case you were wondering, Miguel Yatco is an 18 year old self-taught photographer based in Manila, Philippines. You can follow his everyday Tumblr here or check out his 365 day project Tumblr here.
Update: One day after we posted this infographic, Miguel told us that on Tumblr it's now gotten about 1000+ notes and that it's getting even more exposure because of My Modern Met. “I'm extremely grateful!,” he says.
For $50, Miguel is selling this poster at Zazzle. To keep up with the latest news, follow Miguel on his Facebook fan page or on Twitter.