March 22, 2016

Nude Yoga Girl Promotes Self-Acceptance with Her Impressive Contortions

Nude Yoga Girl has continued to demonstrate the beauty of the human body as she works to promote self-acceptance. “My biggest issue in the past was that I saw faults in my body all the time, and that made it impossible for me to love myself fully. The way you look doesn't matter – anybody can see faults and have that feeling of not liking themselves,” the Instagram sensation told The Cut.

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March 22, 2016

Adorable Preemie Twin Girls Playfully Pose for Creative Portraits

Though they're only eight months old, twins Leia and Lauren have already stolen the hearts of thousands on Instagram. Their parents are Singaporeans Amber Yong and Peter Lok, who initially decided to create an Instagram account for their girls “as a medium to document their growing journey.” They felt “it was a perfect platform to share these [photos] with our friends, family, and like-minded parents.

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March 22, 2016

Artist Creates Stunning Wildlife Drawings to Raise Awareness for the Creatures He Loves

Self-taught artist Richard Symonds has spent the past few decades fine-tuning his technique so he can realistically portray the wildlife he adores. The artist often paints and draws these animals in an effort to raise funds to help support them, and has worked with notable companies such as BBC, the London Philharmonic Orchestra, and even Harley–Davidson. When he's not designing for a specific cause, Symonds enjoys capturing his favorite creatures in their natural habitats.

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March 21, 2016

Hairless Guinea Pig Strikes an Adorable Pose with His Tasty Treats

Ludwik the naked guinea pig is an adorable companion to his human, Agata Nowacka. However, when they first met at a pet shop in Poland, Ludwik wasn't well. On top of being sick with pneumonia, the tiny guinea pig was also suffering from untreated conjunctivitis and a fungal infection. After Nowacka adopted the poorly creature, it took around six months to nurse her little friend back to health.

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