September 16, 2021

Teenager Saves Three Orphaned Squirrels After Hurricane Ida Destroyed Their Nest

Last month, Hurricane Ida struck the state of Louisiana and devastated the lives of millions of residents. With wind gusts of up to 172mph and heavy rain thrashing down on the area, it's not only people who suffered due to the storm—many animals were also displaced. When 15-year-old Bailee Villavaso and her family were evacuating the city, the teenager spotted a squirrel's nest on the ground that had been blown down from a tree.

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September 16, 2021

Never-Before-Seen Photos of Frida Kahlo’s ‘Casa Azul’ Revealed in Comprehensive New Book

Nestled among the pages of Luis-Martín Lozano’s book Frida Kahlo: The Complete Paintings is a look at the artist’s home known as La Casa Azul. This legendary Mexico City abode was not just a place where Kahlo laid her head at night; it was the essence of her. She was born there, grew up, and returned to Casa Azul a person famous for her art and in a broken marriage to muralist Diego Rivera.

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September 15, 2021

Afghan Women Are Sharing Photos of Colorful Traditional Dresses in Protest of Taliban Clothing Mandate

The Taliban's return to power has ignited widespread fear that Afghan women will be forced out of the professional and educational spaces they occupied before the American withdrawal. The latest worrying order from Taliban leadership decreed that female university students be separated from men and “observe hijab according to [the Taliban's interpretation of] Sharia” law.

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