March 4, 2021

Artist Transforms Everyday Household Items Into a Host of Playful Characters

For Russian-born, London-based visual artist Helga Stentzel, food and other household objects aren’t just common commodities. They have hidden personalities that are ready to be brought to life. Stentzel uses clothing, kitchen utensils, books, bread, and more to create a cast of colorful characters and silly scenes. Giving a glimpse into her creative mind, her series is aptly titled Household Surrealism.

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March 3, 2021

Giant Elephant Sculpture Made Entirely of Recycled Tires and Steel

Art can take on many forms, and one of the most exciting aspects of contemporary art is the frequent use of nonconventional materials by artists to create their extraordinary masterpieces. Villu Jaanisoo, an Estonian sculptor currently based in Finland, is one such artist that pushes the boundaries of what is considered art by experimenting with different media to create his thought-provoking sculptures.

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March 3, 2021

Incredible ‘Bookshelf Theater’ Unveiled at Tokyo’s Kadokawa Culture Museum

If you are a big reader or just love cozy interiors, there is almost nothing more exciting than a room lined wall to wall with books. The new Kadokawa Culture Museum, designed by renowned architect Kengo Kuma, includes an incredible interior filled with books. Kuma designed a unique wood shelving system that reaches floor to ceiling and continues across with floating wooden panels.

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