April 27, 2020

Quarantined Couple Recreates Iconic Movie Moments With Things in Their Home

Things can get a little wacky in the midst of coronavirus lockdown. While the Getty Museum Challenge has people scouring their homes to recreate famous artworks, one couple (Fanni Kovács and Norbert Hosszú) has used extra time indoors to depict iconic movie moments doing the same thing—whatever is around their home is fair game for a film. The couple shared interpretations of blockbusters including Scarface, Pulp Fiction, Men in Black, Up, and many more.

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April 26, 2020

The Raw, Grotesque, and Honest Post-War Paintings of Francis Bacon

As an artist that emerged in the aftermath of World War II, Francis Bacon explored feelings like pain, fear, and anger in his paintings. It was his intention to create art that reflected raw and honest emotion. His intense, grotesque style portrayed animal-like forms that veered on the alien, as well as distressed human figures often screaming in pain or horror.

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April 25, 2020

This HD Photo Gives Us an Extremely Detailed Look at Hundreds of Craters on the Moon

Backyard astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy is always pushing his work to new heights and his latest photo, titled All Terminator, is no exception. This high-definition image of the moon is like no other, so it should come as no surprise that McCarthy devoted weeks to its creation. Thanks to his dedication, every nook and crater is highlighted in this spectacular view of the moon and its lunar surface. So how did it all come together?

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