March 1, 2020

The Exquisite Artistry and History of Chinese Silk Painting

For millennia, silk painting has helped shape China's rich visual history. This exquisite practice pairs two of Chinese culture's most celebrated artistic traditions—sinuous brushwork and tactically spun textiles—making it an exceptionally important craft. Beyond its role as a culture bearer, however, silk painting is prized for its ethereal aesthetic, which artists have continued to adopt and adapt since ancient times.

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February 29, 2020

Interview: Photos of Adorable Penguins in Antarctica Raise Awareness of Their Changing Habitat

As a professional landscape photographer, Albert Dros is no stranger to beautiful scenery, but nothing prepared him for what he encountered on a recent trip to Antarctica. While the landscape was magical, Dros couldn't help but be captivated by the wildlife he encountered, particularly the penguins. In fact, they became his new obsession during the trip and he spent as much time as possible photographing their every move.

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February 28, 2020

Scotland Is About to Be the First Country in the World to End “Period Poverty”

Scotland is on the brink of making history by being the first country in the world to end “period poverty,” or the inability for people to obtain menstrual hygiene products due to financial hardship. On Tuesday, February 25, the Scottish Parliament approved legislation to make pads and tampons available without charge to anyone who needs them. These products would be stocked in public places and ready for pick-up at community centers, pharmacies, and youth clubs.

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