January 1, 2019

5 Fun Drawing Challenges That’ll Help You Improve Your Sketching Skills

If you want to get better at drawing, there’s a simple way to do so. Just start drawing! You’re only going to improve with many hours of putting pen or pencil to paper. And in all this time spent sketching, one of the most important things you can do is make mistakes. It’s in these blunders that you truly understand how things look and ways to fix them.

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December 31, 2018

Tintype Photography: The Vintage Photo Technique That’s Making a Comeback

Today we get the instant gratification of seeing a photograph we've just taken, but the early days of photography often required long exposure times and complex developing methods before results could be seen. This all changed with the introduction of tintype photography, a process that let photographers break out of the studio and start capturing people on the street.

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December 31, 2018

Affordable 3D Printer Effortlessly Crafts Beautiful Ceramics in Minimal Time

Over the last few years, we've seen a surge in 3D-printed possibilities. From bot-built houses to wearable planters made with modeling software, these products showcase the increasing power of the 3D printer. Now, even ceramics are getting the technological treatment with machines like CERAMBOT. An affordable and easy-to-use alternative to existing models, this ceramic 3D printer is redefining contemporary ceramics.

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