Intriguing New Shadows of the Invisible Man

Barcelona-based art director Pol beda Hervs continues his series, titled I'm Not There will, with some striking new images. Using just a shadow and a pair of shoes, he creates intriguing portraits of an invisible man. In his most recent image, he switched out the worn pair of tennis shoes (he's used in all his previous images) for some sandals and used a bright tennis court as his backdrop. If you'll notice, he even made sure to darken just one specific area of the net to make the story complete. (Also like his outstretched arms and open fingers pose.)

If you're interested in the art director's take on the series, he explain it like this:

“How can we accept that we are changing?
How can we accept we hardly recognize ourselves in certain situations?
I am changing at this very moment of my life.
I do not react in the same ways I used to. I am surprised. Is that me?
These pictures are the way I see myself now.
My shadow is there but I erase myself because I dont know who I am any longer.
The shoes remain only to make sure there is something more than… a shadow.”

Pol beda Hervs Flickr

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