As a young girl, Missouri native Rachel Ignotofsky had a hard time choosing whether she wanted to be a scientist or an artist. Now, she's melding her passions in an innovative series of whimsical drawings that pay tribute to women in science. She uses simple lines and pops of color against gray backgrounds to depict famous females in their elements. She blends cursive writing seamlessly into the pieces in a style reminiscent of H.A. Rey, allowing her to summarize the women's accomplishments in an informative poster format.
The Kansas City resident says she's mapped out 50 pieces celebrating brainy heroines. So far, she's completed seven designs, which she shows off on her Instagram page and Etsy store. “I wanted to do my part and celebrate these women and their accomplishments and hopefully get a younger audience familiar with them,” she told Instagram Blog. “I think that a good way to fight gender bias is to show young girls and boys strong female role models.”
Rachel Ignotofsky's Instagram
Rachel Ignotofsky's Etsy
via [Instagram Blog]