Alexander Semenov is at it again with his fascinating study of underwater sea life through the photographic lens. Previously, we saw some of his colorful and vibrant jellyfish images in the series here. This time we take a look at his images from the Red Sea, a collection of photographs captured over the course of ten days of diving in the warm blue water.
According to the Weird Sea project description, “The water is clear, the visibility is amazing, the sun is shining, and the weather is sweet,” all great conditions to photograph the strange translucent creatures that occupy the area. These otherworldly photographs of living creatures in the Red Sea appear so foreign to most viewers. Semenov says, “They have appeared on our planet long before us, but now for us they look like an alien race, not the typical representatives of the animal world.”
There is an entire world of creatures living underwater that we don't see on a daily basis. Semenov magically brings that world to the surface for us through his photography. The Weird Sea photographs are monochromatic palettes of cool blues and purples, adding to the sense of wonder that encompasses Semenov's work.