Paris-based artist Baptiste Debombourg continues to amaze us with yet another awe-inspiring installation. His newest work, Aerial, is the shattering of two tons of glass flooding into the room of a former Benedictine monastery called Brauweiler Abbey in Germany.
The press release for the project explains that Debombourg's work “tells of the deconstruction of the depleted and its new interpretation on a different level.” He reworks the materials into a shockingly new vision of how we typically see glass.
The installation is like a scene from a movie. This is exactly what a space might look like just as a giant storm crashes through the windows, and floods of broken glass and water begin to fill the room. Debombourg's only description for the project is just as thought-provoking as the piece itself. He quotes R. Martin Gard: “The mind is everything. The material is the servant of spiritual.”