Would you be brave enough to trek a pathway called The Bridge of Immortals? Situated in Huangshan (aka Yellow Mountain), a mountain range in the southern Anhui province of eastern China, the bridge, above, is located at a vertigo-inducing height between two giant, jagged granite peaks that dares adventures to cross its path. It is not the only risky walkway along the mountain range, though.
The Yellow Mountain is a daredevil's dream destination for a thrilling experience. It is lined with tight and rickety walkways high up in the air, with the threat of a long, lethal drop below. In fact, one trail along the side of the mountain is made up of just a few planks of wood that seem to be held together with nothing more than large staples. There is also a chain link lining the course of the mountain for hikers to hold onto for balance (and dear life). One would wonder why anyone would take such a dangerous walk, but, ultimately, it's an adventure that offers breathtaking views, as well as a personal feat to relish in.
Photo via Tice Adventures
Photo via Tice Adventures
Photo credit: prepster96
Photo credit: Bibrk
via [Visual News, Amazing World Online]