There was a time, not too long ago, when the term “cinemagraph” was being thrown around and internet culture gravitated toward this amalgamation of still shots and modest yet aesthetically effective movement. New York-based photographer Jamie Beck and her counterpart Kevin Burg first coined the term last year, gaining a lot of recognition for their cinematic images with subtle movement. My Modern Met even had the opportunity to interview the creative forces behind the perfected animated gifs. Since then, the duo has continued to develop breathtaking gifs, often focusing on fashion, and share it on their blog From Me To You.
The motion in each image exhibits just the right amount of movement. Whether it's hair or clothing hit by a slight breeze, dangling jewelry swaying back and forth, or the endless burning flame in an otherwise frozen world, the calculated action serves a purpose in adding to the mood or aesthetic. Each gif takes a moment in time and eternalizes it in a series of repetitive loops of motion. There are also those few images that I like to call “wait for it” shots because it seems like an average still shot for a longer period of time than you'd expect and then something quickly and briefly changes.
Take a look at some of our most recent favorites, below.