Inspired by the dominating forces of nature, Copenhagen-based artist John Krner created this piece, entitled Tsunami. The installation mimics the cresting of an ocean wave and symbolizes the destruction that a tsunami can have on our world. Rather than experiencing massive fear at the sight of such a large force, viewers are encouraged to explore and confront the giant wave, walking and running over its surface and climbing up the ramp until they can touch the top.
The work, designed with carpet pieces, was created in collaboration with Egetpper (Ege Carpets). Krner used specific color swatches to achieve the gradient of color that moves from very dark on the floor to very bright white at the top. As the pieces move from the ground, up a ramp, and along the wall towards the ceiling, Krner says, “The natural border between the floor and wall vanishes when one gazes into the wave,” and “The final result is a piece that challenges viewers, allowing them to venture into the Tsunami itself until they can go no further.”
John Krner's website
via [Lustik]