New York-based artist Justen Ladda has an amazing eye for perspective and distortion. Since the 1980s, he has combined painting with sculpture to produce flat installations that, from a distance, appear three dimensional. With precision and a vivid imagination, Ladda has developed so many different scenes that will just blow your mind!
Before creating a piece, the artist visualizes the final work in his mind, paying close attention to the very small details. He works in assorted mediums to create his optical illusions, using everything from pigmented shellac and vinyl paints to fluorescent acrylic and plywood. By mastering angles and paying close attention to very tiny details, the talented artist is able to master all kinds of visual tricks.
However, he says, “I don't want the audience to take specific ideas from my work. There is not one ‘correct' way of looking at it. You don't need to know anything about art to relate to it, I think. I try to keep the work open, it's like an echo chamber or mirror it gives you back what you bring to it but somewhat altered by the piece. So everybody gets something else.”