Is it just me or is anyone else feeling a little bit queasy just looking at this? Luckey Climbers are three dimensional sculptures, designed for children, that encourage physical activity (and help give kids courage – I added that last part). Made of bent plywood or plastic platforms that are suspended by steel pipes and cables, these structures act like modern day jungle gyms. Though at first glance they may seem unsafe, they're far from it. With no fall or cascade greater than 18 inches, the specially designed structures are created so that kids can hardly ever stand up, instead they must crawl. “Our reasoning is simple,” Luckey states. “If you cannot stand up, you cannot fall down. In 25 years, we have never experienced any accidents!”
The structure you see here is at Gyeonggi Children's Museum in South Korea. The tallest they've built at 54 feet and 4 inches, the climber is meant to resemble bendy straws. Kids can access it from the ground floor or on the second floor through a bridge attachment. And now for the million dollar question: Would you let your kid climb this?