Check out this really powerful piece of urban street art by artist, Above. Created in Lisbon, Portugal, the image is supposed to resemble a scene in a modern day Robin Hood. “When I was in Lisbon, Portugal three months ago, I would walk by this homeless lady who was begging for money every day. I found it sadly ironic that just six feet away there was an ATM machine where people were literally lining up to withdraw money. With an obvious visual clash of “Rich” and “Poor” being in such a close proximity evoked me to make this stencil “Stealing from the rich, and giving to the poor.” – Above In true Robin Hood fashion, Above sold 250 prints of this piece and donated 100% of the proceeds to homeless shelters. “Each respective homeless shelter stands out because they accept and strive to help those without a home get assistance regardless of RELIGION, RACE, POLITICS or SEXUAL PREFERENCE.” Way to go, Above! Love your work!!!
Giving to the poor from TAVAR ZAWACKI ( ABOVE ) on Vimeo.