
March 10, 2016

Dog Brothers Instantly Bond with and Protect Their Duckling Family Members

When dog brothers Pikelet and Patty Cakes first met their new duck siblings, they instantly fell in love. The pups' humans had agreed to foster the ducks, adopted them from rescue organization Wollongong Animal Rescue Network, and ended up naming them Penguin and Popinjay. When the feathered duo were introduced to both Pikelet and Patty Cakes, the feeling was mutual and they immediately loved them right back.

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March 8, 2016

You Can Literally See Through the Head of This Fascinating Fish

It's not hard to know what's going on in the head of a Marcopinna microstoma fish…because you can see right through it! The fascinating creature is instantly recognizable thanks to the transparent and fluid-filled dome on its head, which also offers a glimpse of its eyes–and they aren't what you'd expect. You might think that they're the small, beady dots at the end of the fish's face, but those are actually its nostrils.

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March 2, 2016

Sheepdog Gives Birth to Record-Setting Litter of 17 Puppies

A sheepdog named Stella recently gave birth to a sizable litter of 17 puppies and may have also set a California state record at the same time. The mama dog lives on Napa Grass Farmer, which produces organic meat for local families. When it came time for their livestock-protecting pup to give birth, Stella's human John Costanzo was surprised to see that she produced 11 boys and 6 girls.

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March 1, 2016

Quirky Rescue Cat Sits Like a Crouching Human and Fetches Like a Dog

A rescue cat named Wilbur has gained a significant amount of followers for an unusual reason: his sitting posture. Wilbur likes to sit with his hind legs pushed forward like a human's, so they rest in front of his torso. “His torso is either too long or his legs are too short, so he always sits in odd positions,” Sara, the cat's human, told The Huffington Post.

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