
August 10, 2014

Remarkable Giant Tortoise is Still Active at Over 160 Years Old

You might not know it (or believe it) by looking at him, but Jonathan the giant tortoise is between 160 and 180 years old. Yes, you read that right. He was probably born in the early 1830's, and remarkable photographs show him at his adult size in 1902. This suggests that Jonathan was at least 50 when the images were captured.

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August 7, 2014

Adorable Baby "Geep" is a Rare Cross Between a Sheep and Goat

Separately, a baby sheep and a baby goat are adorable creatures. But what about when the little one is a cross between a sheep and pygmy goat? The result is even cuter. Butterfly, a “geep,” is the incredibly rare offspring of these two species. Born on July 27 of this year, the newborn is among only a handful of geeps in the world.

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July 27, 2014

Tender Photos of Orphaned Boys and Their Adopted Dogs Show True Companionship

As any pet owner knows, animals come into our lives and can quickly become a part of our family. Photographer Sam Edmonds captured this sentiment in his series Robindra Boys, which centers on a community of young street children living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. They were separated or orphaned from their parents and have forged a close-knit family with their adopted dogs, living in a park called Robindra Shorbod.

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June 28, 2014

Chimera Cat Has a Beautifully Striking Two-Toned Face

Venus, a cute and cuddly feline living in North Carolina, has beautifully striking features about her. The chimera cat's face is half-black and half-tabby colored, and in addition she has two different colors of eyes. Venus' rare markings have made her a popular animal on the Internet, and a Facebook page and Instagram account depict her sweet and loving personality. She also seems to receive a lot of fan art, too!

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