
December 11, 2021

Artist Brings Sketchbook Pages to Life With Vibrant Paintings Captured en Plein Air

By working en plein air, artists capture the beauty of a moment in time. Brooklyn-based illustrator Angela Mckay, better known as Ohkii Studio, takes her sketchbook with her on all of her excursions and fills the pages with vibrant spreads of picturesque locationsโ€”from sunny seashores to flower-dotted fields. Originally from Australia and Thailand, the artist has a particular fondness for depicting warm locales and verdant plant life, both of which appear frequently in her illustrations.

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July 30, 2021

Artist Illustrates How Animals Make Even the Simplest Moments Seem So Much Better

Pet owners know that people and animals can have a special bond. Even an ordinary day can be made more joyous with the company of a four-legged friend. Munich-based artist Peijin Yang captures these heartwarming moments between dogs, cats, and humans in her series of charming illustrations. From creating art with a golden retriever to lounging with the company of a sweet tabby cat, her digital paintings always look on the bright side of life.

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June 27, 2021

Imaginary โ€œDystopianโ€ Inventions Come to Life in Delicate Watercolor Paintings

Dystopian art isn't always doom and gloom. Many artists are exploring the fantastical side of this futuristic genre by incorporating their own creative twist. Los Angeles-based illustrator Alvaro Naddeo, for instance, invents vehicles, abodes, and other contraptions that are made up of discarded materials and depicts them in delicate watercolor paintings. Each of these illustrations includes numerous items of trash.

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