Food Art

May 13, 2024

This Bird Nest Omelette With Rice Ball Chicks Makes Breakfast Almost Too Cute to Eat

Japanese creativity and love for kawaii characters permeates even the world of food. And while examples of this can surely be found in trendy eateries and viral snacks, it has also found its way to everyday dishes cooked at home. A prime example of this is a recipe shared by Tastemade Japan, whose bird nest omurice is so simple yet so adorable it seems to even tell a story from your pan to your plate.

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March 10, 2024

Clever Food Artist Turns Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Into Cute Characters to Encourage Healthy Habits

It's a truth universally acknowledged that kids are rarely fond of eating their greens. Despite their reticence, fruits and vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet, which makes parents come up with creative solutions to get their children to happily eat them. That's how food artist Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach came up with an idea—turn these ingredients into characters, animals, objects, and even inspiring messages.

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February 22, 2024

Japanese Sculptor Carves Groceries Into Brilliant Edible Sculptures

Every culture has its own history of traditional arts. Mukimono is the Japanese tradition of carving fruit and vegetables into elaborate garnishes. Throughout the years, we've followed along as Takehiro Kishimoto—also known as Gaku—has mastered this craft. His Instagram feed is filled with incredible photos and videos of the fish, dragons, and birds he crafts from produce.

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November 21, 2023

Phenomenal Fruit Carvings Turn Apples Into Artistic Scribbles and Pears Into Painterly Strokes

Fruit is given a complete makeover in Yuni Yoshida‘s whimsical arrangements. The Japanese art director uses her masterfully carving skills and whimsical ideas to transform apples, oranges, and bananas into surreal arrangements that look like they've been digitally altered. With some clever cutting, her fruits look like they've been spliced together or altered into abstract forms of art. Yoshida utilizes all parts of the food to make her ideas pop.

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