These Are the Best Photos of Education Around the World in 2019

World's Best Photos of #Education2019

“Three of them learn” by Asad Khalid Sungkar (Indonesia)
These children were photographed finishing their homework on the street, as it was due in the nick of time.

Photographers from around the world celebrated education and learning by submitting their best images to the #Education2019 Photo Contest. Run by Agora, a free-to-use photo app, the contest has narrowed the field to its top 50 finalists, as voted on by the Agora community. Nearly 20,000 photographs were submitted to the contest, making for stiff competition.

Collectively, the photos demonstrate that learning has no boundaries. From babies flipping through their first books to older generations passing their knowledge on to young students, education is a continual journey that lasts our entire lives. Young or old, rich or poor—education should be a fundamental right for everyone and, according to the World Bank, we've made great strides as a society. It's estimated that, by 2050, the average length of schooling will reach 10 years.

While there is still more work to be done, these figures demonstrate how over the past 150 years, access to education has more than quintupled. By highlighting the educational conditions found around the world, Agora is showing just how important learning is for our future.

“Attending school helps us learn who we are, what we believe in and what role we play in the world,” Agora shares. “This sense of self is essential for personal growth. Furthermore, going to school not only has an impact on the future of children, but on the future of their families, friends and communities. As more children are educated, the world becomes a brighter place.”

Members of the Agora community are encouraged to vote for their favorite photographs, as their votes will help the guest judge decide the overall winner. Named the #Education2019 Hero, the winner will take home a prize of $1,000, which includes a $500 donation to a charity of his or her choice.

See some of our favorite photos from the top 50 finalists of the #Education2019 Photo Contest by Agora.

Boy Studying in the Classroom in Myanmar

“Educate” by Swe Tun (Myanmar)
This boy is studying hard in his classroom in Kayin, Myanmar.

School in Tanzania

“School in Tanzania” by Ruth Hundeshagen (Tanzania)
The bright colors of the school uniforms and girl’s feet freely swinging under the table drew Hundeshagen to capture this photo.

Boy Walking on Train Tracks in the Rain

“Under the rain” by Adeel Chishti (Pakistan)
A child's purity is captured here when this boy was spotted roaming in the rain. His sparkling face and joyful gesture are what drew Chisti to take his picture.

Boy in Myanmar Reading

“Reading” by Kyaw Myint Than (Myanmar)
A young student comfortably sitting on a large golden structure, reading quietly.

Photo About Learning

“The electrician is teaching children” by Đỗ Tuấn Ngọc (Vietnam)
With their mouths open in shock, these two girls learn some astonishing facts from an electrician.

Child Reading a Comic Book

“Reading a Comic” by Wilmer Valdez Hinojosa (Spain)
A child enjoying a comic book on a gloomy day in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.

Two Hands Reading Braille

“Braille Education System” by Jayakrishnan RK (Canada)
A visually-impaired child learning via his Braille System Book. This is the teaching process of the visually-challenged person.

Children Reading on a Field

“Education” by Dombrovskyi Oleksandr (Ukraine)
Two children engaged in a book about nature, enjoying warmth and sunshine.

Scholar Writing on a Scroll

“Learning” by Dikye Ariani (Indonesia)
This man models the idea that you are never too old to keep learning.

Learning to Play the Piano

“Learning to play the piano” by Jan Cattaneo (Italy)
Teacher and student play piano in harmony, enjoying the simple pleasure of music together.

Schoolgirl Sitting at a Desk

“Sitting At My Desk” by Wilson (U.S.A.)
This little girl proves to us all that education does not have to be grueling work, but that it can also be a joy!

Photos About Education and Learning

“The diversity of an unequal education system” by Hassan Majeed (Pakistan)
This photo portrays the differences between students of the unequal education system in Gujrat.

Young monks reading while sitting on the steps of an ancient building

“Reading Novices” by Phyu Aye Pwint (Myanmar)
Young monks sitting on the steps of an ancient building, reading together.

A Group Learning and Reading

“Reading Holy Qur’an” by Dandi Rahman (Indonesia)
Two young children learning how to read the holy Qur’an and becoming more familiar with their religion.

Learning How to Paint Umbrellas in Indonesia

“The old educating the young” by John Harris Nadeak (Indonesia)
A senior painter is photographed here teaching a junior how to paint umbrellas.

Baby Looking at a Book

“Baby reading” by Haimei Li (U.S.A.)
A baby attempting to read quite a thick book. We wonder what he thinks about it.

World's Best Photos of #Education2019

“Reading” by Rahmad Ladae (Indonesia)
This photo depicts a woman who is still passionate about reading and learning, even in her old age.

Children Planting a Tree in the Ground

‘Learning how to keep the earth green' by Irlan Turhantoro (Indonesia)
Education does not need to be restricted to a classroom, but can also be enjoyed in nature. These children are shown learning how to make Earth greener by planting.

Photo About Education

“In between” by Robert Marrel Dela Vega (Philippines)
A little boy reading and writing in his journal, before he goes to sleep.

AGORA: Website | Facebook | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by AGORA.

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Jessica Stewart

Jessica Stewart is a Staff Editor and Digital Media Specialist for My Modern Met, as well as a curator and art historian. Since 2020, she is also one of the co-hosts of the My Modern Met Top Artist Podcast. She earned her MA in Renaissance Studies from University College London and now lives in Rome, Italy. She cultivated expertise in street art which led to the purchase of her photographic archive by the Treccani Italian Encyclopedia in 2014. When she’s not spending time with her three dogs, she also manages the studio of a successful street artist. In 2013, she authored the book "Street Art Stories Roma" and most recently contributed to "Crossroads: A Glimpse Into the Life of Alice Pasquini." You can follow her adventures online at @romephotoblog.
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