The Blue Carpet is an intricately designed illustration by Paris-based art director Jonathan Brchignac that is made entirely out of blue Bic pens and ultraviolet ink on paper. The labor-intensive piece features a detailed, fairly symmetrical pattern filled with a variety of complex geometric shapes, forcing Brchignac to map out every minute area of the 115 x 73 cm illustration.
The ambitious endeavor is a spectacular display of discipline and determination. From the mandala-like center to the finely detailed border, the artist reflects a sense of concentration, diligence, and persistence. Brchignac's past carpet drawings exude a similar degree of the aforementioned attributes. There is an overwhelming presence of repetition in each piece that adds to his impressive artistic feat.
The Blue Carpet can be seen in person as part of a group exhibition titled The Blue Route, which will be on display at the Villa Empain in Brussels from September 27th through February 4, 2014.
Photo credit: Hamus Jageland
Jonathan Brchignac website
via [fubiz]