Fragile Future III is a light sculpture created by Ralph Nauta and Lonneke Gordijn of Studio DRIFT, in collaboration with Carpenters Workshop Gallery. Each of the limited edition pieces consist of functioning technology and bright illumination combined with nature. According to the project description, the piece “tells the story about the amalgamation of nature and technology. In the distant future these two extremes have made a pact to survive.”
Located in Amsterdam, Gordijn and Nauta work together to produce what they describe as “truly innovative and ground-breaking projects–a testament to its cross-pollination between the technically advanced, the aesthetically beautiful, and awareness of future potentials.” The sculptural light installation is built out of phosphor bronze, LEDs, and real dandelions. Each bronze module has a visible circuit and three dandelions attached. Given the very delicate nature of a dandelion, the piece had to be developed in a very careful and precise construction, and requires regular care to maintain its unique and inventive appearance. By combining these two unexpected elements, the artists hope to capture their viewers' attention and have people really stop to consider the true beauty of the dandelion plant.
Studio DRIFT website
Carpenter's Workshop Gallery website
via [Soft Shock]