October 27, 2015

Beautiful Paintings on Fallen Tree Logs Mirror Their Natural Origins

Artist Alison Moritsugu captures the essence of Mother Nature in her log paintings. These environmental pieces utilize trees as both the subject and the canvas. The fragmented nature of the trees allow the designer to paint directly onto the rustic wood. Once her realistic work is complete, what results is a painting that explores the history of American landscapes.

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October 26, 2015

Ridiculously Adorable Rescue Cats Photographed Mid-Shake

Photographer Carli Davidson is offering the world an unexpectedly wonderful treat: portraits of cats who are in the middle of a hilariously satisfying shake. Using her high-speed camera, the artist humanely works with adorable felines, making sure the cats feel comfortable in her studio, to capture the moment they shake water off their bodies. The process involves an assistant dipping their hand in water and then gently petting the cats.

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October 26, 2015

Interview: Tyler Rayburn Shows Us Love Can Be Found in Our Darkest Moments

Photographer Tyler Rayburn first picked up a camera because he wanted to document the old abandoned buildings he came across while on an urban exploration. He quickly discovered conceptual photography and felt compelled to create his own visual stories, particularly as a way to cope through his depression. With visuals wrapped in the beauty of natural environments, Tyler strives to represent hope and love even in dark times, urging his audience to pursue their dreams.

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