May 12, 2022

Amazing Photo of Wisteria Trees Looks Like a Fireworks Display

For fans of fairytale-like flowers, the Ashikaga Flower Park in Japan’s Tochigi prefecture is a must-see. The park boasts more than 350 different flowering wisteria trees, including a massive (and highly Instagramable) one that is over 150 years old. The impressive tree is a centerpiece for the Fujinohana Monogatari Ofuji Festival which takes place until May 22, 2022.

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May 11, 2022

Monumental Yarn Art Installations Add a Radiant Spectrum of Color Indoors and Outdoors

Artist Eric Rieger, aka HOTTEA, gathers loose threads to make monumental installations. Using seemingly countless strings, the pieces hang from ceilings and envelop the spaces they’re in with fields of vibrant hues—all of which seemingly have a mind of their own. Each thread is untethered and able to freely move with a passing breeze. The installations are a site-specific endeavor and are often informed by HOTTEA’s own experiences, memories, or associations with a place.

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May 10, 2022

Perfectly Timed Photo Captures Full Moon Framed by the Arc de Triomphe

French astrophotographer Thierry Legault is always on the lookout for something special. While he's worked on extraordinary projects in the past, his latest photo proves that a bit of due diligence can pay off big. Taken just after Easter, the image captures the full moon perfectly centered within Paris' iconic Arc de Triomphe. Glowing brilliantly in the sky, the full moon is clearly visible.

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