February 7, 2021

15 DIY Leather Craft Projects You Can Complete in a Day and the Tools You’ll Need To Get Started

The history of leather crafting extends all the way back to prehistoric times—when early man used leather for clothing, shoes, and even shelters. We don’t depend on the smooth and durable material for survival anymore, yet it remains a major commodity to this day. Prized especially for its versatility, leather can be cut, dyed, painted, stamped, or molded to your heart’s content.

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February 6, 2021

Artist “Travels” To Scotland’s Isle of Skye in a Luminous Landscape Oil Painting

For many creatives, a new year brings fresh inspiration for original projects. In 2021, Atlanta-based artist Courtney Myers is challenging her painting skills by rendering an oil landscape for as many as 12 different countries. Her first completed work transports the viewer to the awe-inspiring nature of Scotland, which features a diverse landscape of grassy hills, rocky cliffs, expansive bodies of water, and a warm sunset on the horizon.

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February 5, 2021

Influencers Can No Longer Use “Misleading” Filters in Paid Beauty Advertising in the UK

If you’re on Instagram, you’ve undoubtedly seen it: the filter. Whether it is smoothing the wrinkles on someone's face or dulling some bad lighting, the use of filters has become commonplace in photos and stories. This is a problem in advertising, particularly in the beauty industry, as it can exaggerate the effectiveness of a product. The UK is doing something about this. Their Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)

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February 5, 2021

Powerful Before-and-After Portraits of Kids Who Escaped Child Labor [Interview]

For over 20 years, Bangladesh photographer GMB Akash has turned his lens towards the marginalized groups of people in his home country. The socially conscious photographer views his chosen field as a powerful opportunity to shine a light on the atrocities that these underserved populations deal with on a daily basis. One group that Akash documents are child laborers, and he has spent 17 years capturing their plight.

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