April 8, 2020

This List of Job Opportunities for Creatives Can Help Combat Mass Unemployment

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “the number of unemployed persons rose by 1.4 million to 7.1 million in March [2020]” in the United States alone. With stay-at-home orders being implemented and increasing number of non-essential businesses being forced to shut down, many people are finding themselves without a job and with uncertainty over the stability of their jobs when these restrictions are lifted.

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April 7, 2020

Boy Scout 3D Prints ‘Ear Guards’ to Help Relieve Hospital Workers’ Pain Caused by Face Masks

To guard themselves against COVID-19, medical staff and grocery store clerks have to wear face masks from the beginning to the end of their shifts. The tension from the elastic, however, can make their ears sore. But these vital front-line professions are now getting some relief thanks to 13-year-old Quinn Callander and his 3D-printed “ear guards.” The simple yet ingenious design is a notched strap that sits on the back of a person's head.

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April 6, 2020

Former NASA and ISS Astronauts Give Their Tips for Successful Isolation

The monotonous stretch of decorated walls of one’s home cannot compare to the degree of isolation that outer space creates. Astronauts like Scott Kelly (who served on the International Space Station [ISS]) and NASA's former Space Life and Physical Division Director D. Marshall Porterfield (who coached these astronauts during their missions) are intimately aware of how difficult living within small spaces can be.

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