October 28, 2019

Students Design Self-Sanitizing Door Handle to Help Prevent Contagious Illnesses

Public door handles are often teeming with harmful bacteria, particularly in places like restrooms. That’s why University of Hong Kong graduates Sum Ming Wong and Kin Pong Li have designed a self-sanitizing door handle that uses UV light to kill germs. The designers were motivated to create a solution to unsanitary public surfaces after the devastating acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak between November 2002 and July 2003 in southern China.

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October 28, 2019

Interview: Photographer Captures Candid Coincidences on the Streets of NYC

What started as a way to make sense of chaos has transformed into a tribute. When photographer Jonathan Higbee moved to New York City, he was overwhelmed by the constant action around him. That's when he turned to his camera in order to make sense of it all and embarked on what would become a well-loved street photography project—simply and aptly called Coincidences.

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October 27, 2019

10 Best Drawing Tablets to Unleash Your Creativity

Whether you are an artist, graphic designer, or architect, a drawing tablet is an essential tool in this digital age. Allowing you to quickly transfer digital drawings into articulated masterpieces, they are a must for any creative professional and can allow hobbyists to take their digital art to the next level. Figuring out the best tablets for drawing isn't always easy, so we've taken some of the guesswork out of the equation.

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October 26, 2019

Delicate Nature Collages Held Together by Thread Reflect a Time of “Ecological Mourning”

Collage artist Jennifer Murphy is inspired by interconnectedness. While this interest informs much of her work, it is particularly evident in The Shadow of Sirius, a series of delicate nature collages comprising flora and fauna cut-outs held together by thread. “Wedding the specimens of the naturalist with the visions of the fantasist,” these eye-catching pieces explore our real-life environment through a surreal lens.

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